My Garage

Driving with Cats and Dogs - Greater Toronto

Driving with Cats and Dogs - Greater Toronto

Remember in an accident, an unrestrained pet will be thrown bout the vehicle, endangering other passengers, particularly small children.


What to pack for your pet

Always carry water for your pet while traveling. If you are on a trip, take your pets own food and water bowls too. It will help them cope better with the change to their routine.

It is also wise to get your pet a second identification tag. While your pet probably already has an ID tag with your home address, you should add another tag with your destination address.


Never leave your pet in the car

Dogs sweat through their tongues and their paws, therefore they find heat much more difficult to deal with than humans. Even on a cool day, a pet left in a car is subject to heat exhaustion.

On a warm day, the temperature inside your car can reach 120 degrees. On a hot day, it can reach 192 degrees.

Pets left in vehicles are also subject to pet theft. Thousands of pets are stolen every year from unattended cars.


Treatment for heat stress

  • Move your pet to a shady area
  • Apply cool water or icepacks to its body
  • Allow your pet to drink cool water or lick ice cubes
  • Take your pet to a vet as soon as possible

"In a 50km-per-hour accident, an unrestrained 60-pound dog will move through the vehicle with the force of 1,200 pounds. A large dog would move through the car with the force of a baby elephant"

Even though 40 million American pets travel every year, it is difficult to find information on the travel and safety of out four legged passengers.

Pets are safest in the rear seats

The best place for your pet is in the rear seat, away from the driver. According to a AAA survey, pets and loose objects are third-worst-in-car distraction for drivers.

In the rear, your pet is also protected from potential dangers arising from the windshield and airbags in the event of an emergency braking or an accident.

Pets need safety restraints too

Your pet should be restrained in a pet harness or pet cage secured by a seat belt. Make sure your pet has just enough room to sit up and lie down comfortably.

Give your dogs leash or restraint enough slack so the pet can chose to sit up or lie down. Open the window slightly so there is fresh air too.

Cats prefer small spaces so they actually feel more comfortable and secure in a cat carrier or cage.

Never let your pet put its head out the window. You will expose it to danger from dirt, debris and cold air, according to the Humane Society of the united states.



Complete the information below and keep this form with a current photo of your pet. Remember to store this in a safe, handy place.


Type_________________ Gender ________________ Age __________________

Color: Primary ___________________Secondary____________________________

Size: Height_____________________ weight _______________________________

Eyes: left________________________Right_________________________________

Ears: _________________________Tail _________________Hair type___________

Tag number 1 _____________________ Tag number 2 ________________________

Microchip(Y/N) _________Microchip number _______________________________

Collar(Y/N) _____________Collar type and color_____________________________

Tattoo(Y/N) _____________ Tattoo location ____________Tattoo code___________

Distinguishing marks ____________________________________________________

Other comments ________________________________________________________

Categories: The More You Know